The Community Charter, Part 5 – Municipal Government and Procedures, Division 1, defines Council roles and responsibilities.
One of Council’s responsibilities is the mandatory establishment of general procedures to be followed by the Council and Council Committees in conducting their business. To view the District’s Council Procedures Bylaw 831, 2018, please click here.
2023-2026 Strategic Plan
The 2023-2026 Strategic Plan informs and focuses the decisions and policies of Council during their term of office. Although the strategic plan provides focus for the four-year term, it considers a long-term vision for the community and reflects the goals and policies of the District’s Official Community Plan. The strategic plan is executed through annual budget allocations and departmental workplans. This plan is a living document and Council will update the plan as necessary to address emerging issues or changing priorities. Quarterly reports to Council and the District’s Annual Report will provide an opportunity for Council and staff to regularly review and communicate progress in achieving Council’s goals.

Annual Municipal Report
As a requirement of the Community Charter, the Chief Administrative Officer prepares, on Council’s behalf, an Annual Municipal Report that includes: audited annual financial statements, a listing of Permissive Tax Exemptions; a report respecting municipal services and operations for the previous year; a progress report in relation to objectives and measures for that year; any declarations of disqualification of Council members in the previous year; a statement of municipal objects and the measures that will be used to determine progress respecting those objectives for the current and next year; as well, any other information the Council considers advisable.
The Annual Municipal Report must be made available for public inspection, including submissions and questions, prior to adoption at a Regular Council meeting before June 30th in each year.

Councils Bylaw & Policies
Council, as the governing body of the municipality, directs staff to prepare municipal Bylaws and Policies pursuant to the authority outlined in the Community Charter and/or Local Government Act.
To view a directory of all District Bylaws, please click here.
To view a directory of all District Policies, please click here.
Logan Lake Community Profile & Housing Needs Report
The District would like to thank the community for their participation in the Housing Needs Study.