Welcome to the District of Logan Lake
Welcome to the District of Logan Lake, your local municipal government. Logan Lake was incorporated as a Village in 1970 and then as a District municipality in 1983.
The District is governed by an elected Council consisting of a Mayor and six Councillors. All members of Council are elected through local government elections, which are held every four years, on the third Saturday in October. The next local government election will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2022.
The role of your elected Council is to ensure that municipal services are provided (i.e. water and sewer utilities; solid waste and recycling; street paving, traffic control, street lighting, sweeping, snow removal and ongoing street maintenance; fire service and prevention; land use planning, regulation and building inspection; parks and playgrounds; licensing; and bylaw enforcement) and to set strategic goals that provide good governance and high quality services to the community.
To ensure that strategic goals are effectively carried out, Council has a Chief Administrative Officer, (Wade Archambault) for the overall management and operation of the District. The District’s management team also includes the Director of Corporate Affairs (Laurel Grimm), Director of Finance (Colin Forsyth), Fire Chief (Doug Wilson) and Director of Public Works and Recreation (Mel Bohmer). For information on each department, please click on the appropriate link: Corporate Administration, Finance, Fire Rescue, Bylaw Services, Planning & Development, Public Works and Recreation Department.

Wade Archambault
Chief Administrative Officer
Phone: 250.523.6225 ext 229
Email: cao@loganlake.ca

Colin Forsyth
Director of Finance
Phone: 250.523.6225 ext. 226
Email: finance@loganlake.ca

Laurel P. Grimm
Director of Corporate Affairs
Phone: 250.523.6225 ext 230
Email: administration@loganlake.ca

Doug Wilson
Fire Chief
Phone: 250.523.2315 ext. 101 or 250.320.1790
Email: firechief@loganlake.ca

Mel Bohmer
Director of Public Works
Phone: 250.523.2755
Email: pwsuper@loganlake.ca
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