Council Meetings
Regular Council meetings are open to the public and are typically held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, commencing at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers, located at #1 Opal Drive in the Municipal Office.
Council passed a resolution in 2021 to live stream broadcast Council meetings.
Transparency and accountability are fundamental to effective governance. That’s why council and committee meetings are open to the public. They give community members the power to voice their concerns and hear what officials have to say.
Live streaming brings government meetings straight to you. Accessing broadcasts on a laptop, tablet, or phone makes it much easier to engage in local government. This also allows us to disseminate information quickly, increase transparency and accessibility and increase community engagement.
Due to supply chain shortages, the Tremont Creek Wildfire, and staffing capacity broadcasted meetings have been delayed. We are working with AV professionals to get the equipment required but due to circumstances out of our control wait times are much longer than anticipated. While we work on bringing broadcasted meetings to the community, we invite you to attend Council meetings in person.
Regular Council Meetings
Agendas for Regular Council meetings are prepared and posted the Friday before the scheduled meeting and for Committee of the Whole, Special, or InCamera meetings, 24 hours prior to the meeting. The deadline for public submissions to a Regular Council Meeting agenda is the Thursday before the meeting. Please deliver submissions to the Municipal Office at #1 Opal Drive, or by mail to Box 190, Logan Lake, BC V0K 1W0, or by fax at 250.523.6678 or by email to
Committee of the Whole
Committee of the Whole meetings are scheduled for 2024, please click here to see the schedule. When a meeting is called the agenda will be posted on the Districts posting areas, and the date will be noted below. Committee of the Whole meetings include all members of Council and allow a Council to review and discuss topics in depth, and make recommendations only, to a formal “Regular” or “Special” meeting of the Council. Public notice of a Committee of the Whole meeting is required in advance and these meetings may or may not be open to the public.
InCamera Council Meetings
InCamera Council meetings, also known as ‘closed meetings’, are meetings of a confidential nature that the public are not permitted to attend and can only be held pursuant to the regulations outlined under Section 90 of the Community Charter.
Appearing Before Council
Should you wish to appear as a delegation at a Regular Council Meeting please submit a Delegation Request form to the Director of Corporate Affairs at the Municipal Office, #1 Opal Drive or via email at prior to 1:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the Meeting. If you have any questions, please call the Director of Corporate Affairs at 250.523.6225 ext. 230.
Council Highlights
August 13, 2024 Council Highlights
- Council approved that eighteen Innova Disc Golf Baskets be donated, in principle, subject to further information coming forward to Council from the Highland Valley Outdoor Association regarding the proposed location and need for a third (3rd) Disc Golf Course in Logan Lake;
- Council deferred a Community Yard Waste Clean-up initiative to staff to determine a date, and operational requirements needed for implementation;
- Council approved that the District of Logan Lake send a letter to the Ministry of Education regarding support for the Donovan Family and Suicide Prevention Support for Indigenous Children;
- Council directed Staff to apply for the NRCan Community Charging Grant in the amount of $100,000 for two fast charging stations between 50 and 99 kW to be located near the downtown core with a total project cost estimated at $250,000;
- Council approved the Development Variance Permit for the property legally described as Lot 3, District Lot 1666 Kamloops Division Yale District Plan and located at 444 Opal Drive in Logan Lake to vary the District of Logan Lake Zoning Bylaw 675, 2010, Section 8.2.5 Total Combined Maximum Floor Area of Accessory Building from 50m2 to 71.3m2;
- Council approved that the District of Logan Lake continue to guarantee in a limited amount of $10,000 for the revolving line of credit that the Meadow Creek Golf Club owes or may owe CIBC at the current Prime Rate +1%;
- Council authorized Staff to proceed with a Request for Proposal for replacement of Engine 1 (2006 Freightliner Engine);
- Council adopted District of Logan Lake Fire Department Regulations Amendment Bylaw No. 930, 2024.