Logan Lake Fire Rescue takes the FireSmart program to the next level as we are very invested in protecting our community!
FireSmart starts right in your own back yard and the members of the Logan Lake Fire Department are more than happy to provide a free home assessment to any resident of Logan Lake. This will help to educate you on the things that you can do to reduce the risk to your home. We can also provide a sprinkler (for a small charge) to any home owner in Logan Lake.
This is all in an effort to keep The District of Logan Lake as safe as we can. View our success story as the first Fire Smart Community in Canada: https://firesmartbc.ca/resource/logan-lake-a-firesmart-success-story/
If you would like more information please contact us at firechief@loganlake.ca.
You too can be FireSmart.

Summer Student Program
The Logan Lake Wellness, Health and Youth Society, in partnership with the Logan Lake Community Forest and the District of Logan Lake, has a summer program that hires students to mitigate the fuel load in the crown land surrounding Logan Lake. This is done by trimming trees, picking up dried fuel, and reducing the fuel load by facilitating controlled burns.
In November 2021, the Logan Lake Community Forest, in partnership with the District of Logan Lake and the Logan Lake WHY, completed pile burning to finish off work done earlier in the season by the Youth FireSmart program. It was a great opportunity for this young crew to learn more about wildfire risk reduction and see the fruit of their labour this past summer go up in smoke, so to speak!
We would like to say thank you to the Lower Nicola Indian Band Development Corporation for their support in mentoring the crew and the Canada Jobs Grant program for funding.