Message from the Fire Chief
On behalf of the Logan Lake Fire/Rescue I would like to welcome you to our website. Our desire is to provide our citizens and visitors with information that is useful and beneficial to you, our customers.
I am honoured to serve the District of Logan Lake as your Fire Rescue Chief. I am proud to lead our team of passionate, dedicated firefighting personnel. Our committed and skilled firefighters are here to help you during your time of need. Whether it is a medical emergency, fire, motor vehicle accident or any form of rescue we will strive to perform professionally and competently to exceed the public’s expectations. Simply stated our personnel care deeply about their duty to serve. It is also a privilege to work with the citizens of Logan Lake and to contribute to their overall safety. It is my commitment to always place the safety of our firefighters and citizens first. Our Fire Rescue services have identified programs that we are committed to on a regular base.
- Public Fire Safety and Education
- Emergency Response
- Fire Prevention, Inspection and Code enforcement
- Wildfire Mitigation and Prevention
We hope this web site will assist you in becoming more aware of our efforts in these a programs and most importantly, the fire safety measures you can take to protect your family and property.
Remember, working smoke alarms save lives and are law. Be sure to test your smoke alarms often, and that your home has one on every level and outside sleeping areas. Your actions after the alarms sounds are as crucial. Please develop, and practice, a household Fire Escape Plan with all members of your family. The precious seconds a well-practiced plan will save can make all the difference.
Our Team
Doug Wilson
Fire Chief / Emergency Coordinator
250-523-2315 ext. 101
Jacqui Martell
Administrative Assistant
The Logan Lake Fire Department is located at 120 Chartrand Place. All Fire Hall rentals go through Jacqui Martell at jmartell@loganlake.ca
Click Here for a Fire Hall Booking Form.
Fire Department Structure
Doug Wilson, Fire Chief
Neal Rideout, Deputy Fire Chief
Two Captains
Three Lieutenants
Twenty-Four Fire Fighters
Open Burning
Burning Permits are currently not permitted within the District of Logan Lake due to the Category 2 and 3 Fire Bans. Please be aware that you must apply for a Burning Permit from the Fire Chief before you burn. There is no charge for the permit. Click here to view and/or print a copy of the Fire Department Regulations which contains information on Burning Regulations and includes a Burning Permit (schedule D, E & F). The permit must be signed by the Fire Chief prior to commencing burning.