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Council Meetings

Council Meetings

Regular Council meetings are open to the public and are typically held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, commencing at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers, located at #1 Opal Drive in the Municipal Office.

Council passed a resolution in 2021 to live stream broadcast Council meetings.

Transparency and accountability are fundamental to effective governance. That’s why council and committee meetings are open to the public. They give community members the power to voice their concerns and hear what officials have to say.

Live streaming brings government meetings straight to you. Accessing broadcasts on a laptop, tablet, or phone makes it much easier to engage in local government. This also allows us to disseminate information quickly, increase transparency and accessibility and increase community engagement.

Due to supply chain shortages, the Tremont Creek Wildfire, and staffing capacity broadcasted meetings have been delayed. We are working with AV professionals to get the equipment required but due to circumstances out of our control wait times are much longer than anticipated. While we work on bringing broadcasted meetings to the community, we invite you to attend Council meetings in person.

Regular Council Meetings

Agendas for Regular Council meetings are prepared and posted the Friday before the scheduled meeting and for Committee of the Whole, Special, or InCamera meetings, 24 hours prior to the meeting.  The deadline for public submissions to a Regular Council Meeting agenda is the Thursday before the meeting. Please deliver submissions to the Municipal Office at #1 Opal Drive, or by mail to Box 190, Logan Lake, BC  V0K 1W0, or by fax at 250.523.6678 or by email to

Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole meetings have been scheduled for 2025, please click here to view. Committee of the Whole meetings include all members of Council and allow a Council to review and discuss topics in depth, and make recommendations only, to a formal “Regular” or “Special” meeting of the Council. Public notice of a Committee of the Whole meeting is required in advance and these meetings may or may not be open to the public.


InCamera Council Meetings

InCamera Council meetings, also known as ‘closed meetings’, are meetings of a confidential nature that the public are not permitted to attend and can only be held pursuant to the regulations outlined under Section 90 of the Community Charter.

Appearing Before Council

Should you wish to appear as a delegation at a Regular Council Meeting please submit a Delegation Request form to the Director of Corporate Affairs at the Municipal Office, #1 Opal Drive or via email at prior to 1:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the Meeting. If you have any questions, please call the Director of Corporate Affairs at 250.523.6225 ext. 230.

Council Highlights

February 4, 7 & 18, 2025 Council Highlights

  1. Council authorized that letters from Enbridge Sunrise Expansion Program and Capstone Infrastructure Corporation Highland Valley Wind Project and Mount Mabel Wind Project be forwarded to the Thompson-Nicola Regional District Board (TNRD);
  2. Council approved Staff to work with the Volleyball Club to come up with a proposal including costs and location for a Volleyball Court;
  3. Council approved Staff to work with Dave Prentice and Jenny Garthwaite to come up with multiple options and a proposal for resurfacing the Tennis Court including options for Pickleball and a multi-use sports court, to come to final budget;
  4. Council approved the 2025 Youth and Community Services Committee meeting schedule as follows: January 22, February 21, March 21, April 11, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17, and November 21;
  5. Council approved the Snow and Ice Control Policy;
  6. Council adopted the 2025 Executive, Policy and Relationship Building (EPRB) meeting schedule;
  7. Council approved that Staff make arrangements with neighbouring Indigenous Councils for members of the EPRB Committee to appear as delegations at Indigenous Councils’ meetings;
  8. Council adopted the 2025 Education and Environmental Stewardship Committee meeting schedule;
  9. Council deferred the Copper Ridge 2025 Proposal to the Provisional Budget Meeting on February 7, 2025;
  10. Council gave first, second, and third reading to the District of Logan Lake Five Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 931, 2025;
  11. Council approved that the 2025 Annual Budget Meeting be scheduled for Friday, April 4, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers;
  12. Council allocated $25,000 for the capital purchase of the DICE/Grundfos dosing system for chlorine injection system in Well House No. 2, 3, 4;
  13. Council allocated $21,000 for the capital purchase of new ammonia detectors for the Recreation Centre;
  14. Council allocated $15,000 for the capital purchase of a new Floor Scrubber for the Recreation Centre;
  15. Council approved that the Truth and Reconciliation budget be increased to $5,000;
  16. Council approved Staff to prepare a new Travel Expense and Council Remuneration Bylaw revising the rates of remuneration for members of Council by +2.6%, and increase the automobile allowance rates to $0.72 per kilometer;
  17. Council approved Staff review meal costs and bring forward with the amended Travel Expense and Council Remuneration Bylaw for Council review;
  18. Council approved an annual increase to the Capital Works, Machinery and Equipment Reserve Fund from $160,000 to $180,000 for the Fire Department Vehicle Replacement Plan;
  19. Council approved that Staff investigate a resolution to bring forward to the Southern Interior Local Government Association (SILGA) to extend Provincial and Federal Regulations around life spans of emergency response vehicles;
  20. Council allocated $55,000 for the 2025 Logan Lake Tourism and Marketing Strategy which includes updating the Logan Lake Tourism website and a Photo and Video Campaign;
  21. Council approved Fire Department remuneration; and that staff prepare a new bylaw to reflect the updated remuneration schedule;
  22. Council allocated $12,000 for three (3) Ice Rescue Suits and an inflatable Rescue Watercraft;
  23. Council allocated $12,000 for the purchase / construction of a mobile barbeque unit;
  24. Council approved awarding Fort Garry Fire Trucks with the build for the replacement of Engine 1 and accessories at a cost of no greater than $775,000 including taxes;
  25. Council approved the allocation of $22,000 for the purchase of a new top soil screen for the Public Works Yard;
  26. Council allocated $120,000 for the purchase of an asphalt repair trailer;
  27. Council allocated $120,000 for the capital purchase of a mini-excavator and trailer;
  28. Council allocated $10,000 for the capital purchase of a plotter for Municipal Hall; and that $1,500 be added to the Municipal Hall’s Office Equipment budget to maintain;
  29. Council allocated up to $75,000 for upgrades to Lakers Ball Field with a detailed report to come forward for Annual Budget;
  30. Council allocated $5,500 towards the Copper Ridge Disc Golf Course improvements for 2025 including teepad construction, teepads and mats;
  31. Council allocated a further $33,000 from the Growing Communities Fund towards the housing development on 300 Opal Drive.
  32. Council approved that a letter be forwarded to the Town of Oliver in support of the proposed SILGA Resolution, for the Province to work with Crown Grant Airport Owners to update the list of Ancillary Uses in the Land Use Operational Policy at the upcoming SILGA Convention.
  33. Council deferred the Logan Lake WHY funding request to the Annual Budget Meeting scheduled for April 4, 2025;
  34. Council approved that Staff provide letters of support to the Logan Lake WHY for the Creative Kids Program and for the United Way Transportation Supports and Innovations Enhancement Grant;
  35. Council authorized the Director of Corporate Affairs to dispose of the records identified in the “Inactive Records to be Destroyed in 2024” listing as submitted;
  36. Council approved the sitting of the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel be held Friday, March 21, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers; and that Councillors’ Youd, McNeely and Hart be appointed to the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel for the District of Logan Lake and Councillor Montgomery be appointed as an alternate;
  37. Council adopted the Five Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 931, 2025;
  38. Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd readings to Fire Department Regulations Amendment Bylaw 934, 2025.

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Events + All Events
Apr 1, 2025

Regular Council Meeting

This is a public meeting held in Council Chambers at Municipal Hall at #1 Opal Drive.

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Apr 4, 2025

Annual Budget Meeting

This is a public meeting in Council Chambers at the Municipal Hall at #1 Opal Drive.

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Apr 15, 2025

Regular Council Meeting

This is a public meeting held in Council Chambers at Municipal Hall at #1 Opal Drive

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