The District of Logan Lake is asking for voluntary water conservation and requesting that residents reduce water consumption by an additional 30%. Due to the recent hot weather temperatures, water consumption has been higher than average and well levels could become compromised. A mandatory Water Conservation Notice will need to be issued if consumption remains high.
More information will be provided if the situation worsens or water conservation efforts change.
Residents can conserve water in various ways:
- Don’t allow the tap to run to get cold, keep a jug of water in the fridge
- Wash fruit and vegetables in a bucket rather than under a running tap
- Run the dishwasher and washing machine only when they are full
- Take shorter showers
- Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth
- Water lawns only when necessary and only during permitted watering hours.
- Use a broom to clean off driveways and sidewalks, instead of a hose

Water Restrictions are in effect starting May 1, 2024 until September 30, 2024 as below:
As per bylaw No. 839, 2018 Section 7. Watering Restrictions:
Water Restrictions In Effect:
7.1. All commercial and residential customers who receive their water from the District’s water service, are required to comply with the following sprinkling and irrigation regulations:
(a) Properties with even numbered addresses are allowed to sprinkle or irrigate only on even numbered days.
(b) Properties with odd numbered addresses are allowed to sprinkle or irrigate only on odd numbered days.
(c) Sprinkling and irrigating are not allowed between the hours of 9:00 am and 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm and 5:00 am in each and every day from May 1st through September 31st in each and every year.
(d) Where a complex uses internal addresses or other identifying numbers, the external numbers will be used to establish the appropriate watering day
(e) Commercial Customers may apply to the District for a variance to the water restrictions.
(f) All outdoor hand use of hoses for other than filling swimming pools and/or hot tubs shall be equipped with a working spring-loaded shut-off nozzle.
(g) Hand watering of plants using a hose with a working spring-loaded shut-off nozzle or a hand-held container is allowed at any time.
(h) Watering between 10:00 pm and 5:00 am is only permitted if automatic irrigation systems are used on a timer.
(i) If your watering day is an even number day, you are not permitted to overlap your watering into an odd number day and/or vice versa.
(j) The Director of Public Works and Recreation has the authority to change the time period in subsection (c) if required due to weather conditions and/or an emergency situation.
District of Logan Lake Waterworks System, Connections and User Fees Bylaw No. 839, 2018
Post Date: July 22, 2024 | Category: News Releases