Council gave first and second readings to the Animal Control and Impoundment Bylaw 893, 2022 at the August 16, 2022 Regular Meeting of Council. This bylaw is proposing to consolidate the Animal Control and Impoundment Bylaw and include the following changes:
Keeping of Backyard Hens
The keeping of up to five (5) backyard hens would be allowed to be kept in properties zoned for single-family residential use (R1, R3) and twenty-five (25) in Estate Residential zones provided there is a single-family dwelling on the lot. The keeping of roosters is not permitted and eggs produced by backyard hens are for personal use only (no commercial sales).
The owners of backyard hens must provide a coop with an attached outdoor enclosure, which meets specified criteria, and the backyard hens must be housed completely within the coop or attached outdoor enclosure at all times. The coop and outdoor enclosure must be located to the rear or side of the single-family dwelling and must be fully enclosed by fencing that meets the minimum setbacks.
In order to keep backyard hens, residents must apply for a Hen Owner Permit and pay a one-time fee of $50.

Dog Regulations
The proposed bylaw will also look at permitting three (3) dogs to be allowed to be kept on any real property. If a person is providing temporary care for more than a total of three (3) dogs over the age of twelve (12) weeks, they shall notify the animal control officer with the number and species of animals, reason and estimated length of time they will be provided care.
The proposed bylaw can be found here: Animal Control and Impoundment Bylaw No. 893, 2022
Public Consultation – Share your Views!
Brochures and comment cards will be available at the Logan Lake Community Groups Info Day, Saturday, September 17, 2022 at the Logan Lake Curling Rink 10AM – 2PM.
Email us at:
Mail to: District of Logan Lake, PO Box 190, Logan Lake, BC, V0K 1W0
For more information, or if you have any other questions, please contact the Director of Corporate Affairs, Laurel Grimm at 1-250-523-6225. Feedback will be received until Monday, October 3, 2022.

Post Date: September 9, 2022 | Category: News Releases