The District of Logan Lake is supported by a number of volunteer organizations which fill community needs. These volunteer organizations work hard to deliver services that enhance the heart and spirit of the community.
To learn more about these organizations, access their services or volunteer to assist the, contact information is provided here.
To have your organization added to this list, please contact the District of Logan Lake.
Emergency Support Services (ESS)
Now Recruiting!
Responders deliver Emergency Support Services by registering evacuees, completing needs assessments, and providing basic supports to those in need. Staff, volunteers and contracted groups participate in Emergency Management and ESS Training which is available through JIBC and is provided at no cost. These courses include:
- Introduction to Emergency Support Services (EMRG-1600)
- Level One ESS (EMRG-1607)
- Introduction to Reception Centres (EMRG-1610)*
- Intro to Group Lodging (EMRG-1612)*
Are you interested in being an ESS Volunteer with the District of Logan Lake?
Contact: Eric Fergusson | Phone: 250-819-3549 |
Email: to be updated
Upcoming Dates:
For more information on Emergency Support Services please visit
Volunteer Groups
Phone: 250.523.6762
Alcoholics Anonymous
Phone: 250.523.6781
Bike Park Group
Phone: 250.523.9639
Citizens on Patrol
Phone: 250-523-6222
Meet the 1st Tuesday of the Month at 7:00 pm at the Senior’s Centre.
COP is looking for Volunteers as well as Speed Watch Programs.
Please see the documents below:
Contact List
COP Volunteer Position Description
COP Code of Conduct
COP Volunteer Registration Form
Copper Valley Quilt Guild
Phone #1: 250-523-9910
Phone #2: 250.523.6979
Dwindle Down Weight Loss Club
Phone: 250.523.6759
Weight Loss Support Group – Every Wednesday at the Health Centre at 9:30 am.
Girl Guides of Canada – Logan Lake
Karley Millhouse
Phone: 250.319.5875
High Country Rock Hound Club
Phone: 250.523.9532
Highland Valley Amateur Radio Group
Kamloops Amateur Radio Group
President: Ralph Adams
Secretary: Brock Nanson
This is a group of area Ham Radio Operators that meet every Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. at the Old Village Cafe to discuss many items and plan for up coming Communication Events. The Group is the Core for Communications in the Logan Lake Search & Rescue Society and the Logan Lake Municipal Emergency Program. In the past, the Group has used their skills in Communicating for SAR, Triathlons, ATV Poker Runs, Snow Mobile Races and Annual Rainbow Endurance Races. Most of the Group are members of the Kamloops Amateur Radio Club, The Thompson River Amateur Radio Society, Radio Amateur Canada and the American Radio Relay League. Our Local Area repeater will be re-installed on South Forge Mountain in the summer of 2011. Look for it – VE7LGN – 147.100+. We also have an IRLP Node – #1958 in town on 146.58 Simplex, and an APRS Node on South Forge. The Group is available for handling Communications in Various Events.
Highland Valley Outdoor Association
Peter Martell (P): 250.819.2449
C. Weir (VP): 250.523.6688
Karley Millhouse: 250.319.5875
Mailing: Box 415, Logan Lake, BC V0K 1W0
About Highland Valley Outdoor Association:
- Club since 1976.
- 36 km of All-Season RecreationTrails (2 km lit for night time), groomed and maintained by our members,
- Lake Committee members monitor both Fish Stock and Ph levels working with Provincial Ministries. Also maintain and run the Spawning Channel,
- Gun Range maintained by members for the community to have a safe place to test their firearms,
- Annual Banquet held at the Black Bull Pub in March/April, raffle, draws and door prizes,
- Sheep Count is the first Sunday in April. Hike down the hills to Savona to count sheep and other wildlife. BBQ and refreshment supplied,
- Annual BBQ is in June. It is a Potluck BBQ and lake clean up. All members and guests welcome,
- General meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Senior’s Centre at 7:30 pm
Phone: 250.523.6229
Emotional support for terminally ill or recently bereaved and their families.
Logan Lake Arts Council
Phone: 250-315-3445
Alt Phone: 250.523.6446
Other umbrella groups are:
- Other umbrella groups are: Copper Valley Quilters Guild meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month (except July and August) at 7:00 pm at the Logan Lake Community Church
FMI: 250-523-9910 - Tuesday Quilters meet Every Tuesday from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Logan Lake Community Church
FMI: 250-523-9910 - Logan Lake Stitchers meet Every Thursday at 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Logan Lake Community Church
FMI: 250-523-6505
Logan Lake ATV Club
Jane D’Silva Email:
Logan Lake Cancer Support Group
Phone: 250.523-6229
Logan Lake Crafts Club Society
Pam Hulsman, Chair
Phone: 250.523.6788
Logan Lake Curling Club
Ladies, Mens and Mixed fun leagues.
Logan Lake Dart Club
Phone: 250.523.9854
Drop in darts from September to April, every Thursday evening with registration from 7 – 7:30 pm. Summer schedule: Saturday register at 12:30 pm at Pick & Shovel Pub.
Logan Lake Inclusive Fitness & Training (LIFT)
Logan Lake Lions Club
Joan (P): 250.523.9910
Lawrence (VP): 250.320.5614
Logan Lake Minor Hockey
Providing fun and skills for hockey at all levels Age 5 to 18 yrs. For more information please visit
Logan Lake Minor Softball
Program for children/youth ages 3 to 18 yrs
Logan Lake Ranch & Country Club
Logan Lake Search & Rescue
Romain Chappaz (P)
Stewart Lumgair (VP)
Email at or visit
Logan Lake Senior’s Society
Phone: 250-319-8606
The Logan Lake Seniors’ Society has 165+ members. Members come into the Centre for morning coffee and a visit Monday – Friday. We hold a bingo every Friday afternoon. Carpet bowling and crib games are scheduled in the fall and continue until spring. Craft sales, flea markets, and bake sales are held occasionally throughout the year. The Centre also has potluck dinners which is enjoyed by everyone. New members are always welcome and membership is $10.00 for the year. For inquiries please contact Marshall at 250-319-8606 or email:
Logan Lake Wellness, Health & Youth Society
Phone: 250.523.6229
The WHY is a non-profit, charitable organization that strives to meet various needs of our community. We operate with a large volunteer base. Some of the services we provide are: fitness classes, rehab and cardio support, office and computer services, and various other programming. As well, we offer Outreach, Hospice, Grief Support, Medical Transportation, Welcome Committee, to name a few. At this time we are looking for more volunteers in the Outreach Medical Transportation and Welcome Committee areas. or email at
Meadow Creek Golf Club
Phone: 250.523.6666
Nine-hole Golf Course
Southern Interior Bluebird Trail Society
Phone: 250.523.9474
TOPS BC #3266
Phone: 250.523.6558
Phone: 250.523.6703
Take Off Pounds Sensibly – Food Bank meeting room at 8:45 – 10:00 am
TV Society
Phone: 250-320-6215
Email to