To avoid a 10% penalty, payments must be received by 4:00 p.m. on the first business day in July, without exception. Property Tax Notices are mailed out by the end of May each year. Property owners are responsible for payment of their annual property taxes by the due date whether or not they receive a Property Tax Notice.
Payment Options
Mail your cheque or money order to District of Logan Lake, PO Box 190, Logan Lake, BC, V0K 1W0
Courier your cheque or money order to District of Logan Lake, 1 Opal Drive, Logan Lake, BC, V0K 1W0
Please Note: Postmarks or courier dispatch dates will not be accepted as payment dates.
In Person
By cash, cheque, money order or debit card at Municipal Hall located at 1 Opal Drive, Logan Lake, BC
Internet / Telephone Banking
Pay or prepay your property taxes via online or telephone banking through participating financial institutions. Property owners will need to add Logan Lake (District of) Tax as a bill payment. Your account number (7 to 11 digits) is the roll number assigned to your property located at the top left hand side of your Property Tax Notice.
Drop Box
Drop off your cheque or money order in the Drop Box at Municipal Hall located at 1 Opal Drive, Logan Lake, BC.
Online Payments
The District of Logan Lake is now accepting online payments with select credit cards through the secure OptionPay System (with applicable third-party fees).

Mortgage Holder
Many property owners arrange to have their property taxes paid by their Mortgage Company or Financial Institution. Please contact your mortgage holder for more information.
Home Owner Grants
The Home Owner Grant is a grant provided by the Province of BC to qualified property owners who occupy their residential property as their principal residence. It is the responsibility of the home owner to claim their grant each year and before the tax due date to avoid a 10% penalty.
You may qualify for the Basic Home Owner Grant if:
- You are the registered owner, and
- You are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and ordinarily reside in British Columbia, and
- You occupy the property as your principal residence.
You and your spouse together may qualify for only one grant on one residence in British Columbia in any one calendar year even if you live in separate residences (unless you are legally separated).
You may qualify for the Additional Home Owner Grant if:
- You are 65 and over, or
- You have a disability, or are the spouse or relative of a person with disabilities and that person resides in your home; you may be eligible for the disability grant.
You must require extensive physical assistance or costly modifications to the home to be eligible. Your doctor must complete the appropriate form to certify the disability.
There are two categories of grants:
- The Basic Grant may reduce your taxes up to $770
- The Additional Grant may reduce your taxes up to $1,045
How to Claim the Home Owner Grant:
- All home owner grant applications must be submitted directly to the BC Provincial Government through a secure online application;
- Municipalities are NO longer accepting applications. Program eligibility is unchanged;
- In order to avoid penalties and interest, apply before the tax due date;
- Homeowners can apply for their current year or their retroactive home owners grant online at;
- If the homeowner would prefer to apply over the phone, they can call the contact centre toll-free at 1-888-355-2700 to speak with a live agent.
- Or apply using voice recognition self-serve application
Property Tax Deferment
Tax deferment is a low interest loan program offered by the Province of BC that assists qualified BC homeowners to pay for their annual property taxes. There are two deferment programs that allow you to defer all or part of your unpaid current year residential or residential and farm, taxes on your principal residence after deduction of the home owner grant.
- Property Tax Deferment Program – To qualify you must be either 55 years or older, surviving spouse or disabled, and have at least 25% equity in your home based on your assessment.
- Families with Children – To qualify you must be supporting any children under the age of 18, or supports a child who attends an educational institution, or is a person with disabilities and has at least 15% equity in your home based on your assessment.
For more information on qualifying and applying for a Property Tax Deferment please contact the tax department at 250-523-6225 or visit the Province of BC website.
Permissive Property Tax Exemptions
A permissive tax exemption is a means for Council to support not for profit organizations which enhance the economic, social, and cultural quality of life within the community by providing exemptions to qualifying properties from property taxation. To be considered for a permissive tax exemption, properties must qualify under the provisions of the Community Charter and Council Policy.
Property Assessments
The BC Assessment Authority operates as an independent, provincial Crown corporation, governed by a Board of Directors that produces independent property assessments on an annual basis for all property owners in the province. The District uses this information as a basis for calculating its annual property taxes each year. If you disagree with your assessment and would like to appeal you must do so prior to January 31 in each year. If you would like more information on BC Assessment and/or the appeal process, please visit
Change Your Mailing Address
The District requires your correct mailing address to ensure all property owners receive their property tax notice. If your mailing address is incorrect please complete and sign the online Change of Address Form and send to your local BC Assessment Office located at:
BC Assessment Authority
805 Renfrew Ave.
Kamloops, BC V2B 3X3
Tel: (250) 376-6281
Fax: (250) 376-4032
Tax Certificates
Our Tax Certificates are conveniently available online through:
- myLTSA Enterprise: If you have an account, log in and from the main menu, select Service providers and Order Tax Certificates. For more information about myLTSA or to become a customer, visit
- APIC: If you prefer to pay for the tax certificate by credit card, please visit to open an account and order your Tax Certificate.
Land Title and Survey Authority of BC – Address Changes
The address on a title is where information about a property may be sent, such as assessment, property tax and speculation tax notices. Property owners are encouraged to ensure it is an address where they can receive mail. It does not have to be the address of the property.
BC property owners can update the mailing address on a land title online using the BC Services Card app. The option to mail or deliver an application in person by appointment at a Land Title Office is also available. To learn more or start an application, visit