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Jul 5, 2024

Beat the Heat!

With hot weather approaching make sure you know the risks and where you can find help if you need it.
During heat warnings, it’s important to check in on loved ones and neighbours (especially seniors) to make sure they’re staying hydrated and spending time in cool spaces. If you live alone, it’s smart to have a buddy who can check in on you.

Heat-related illness can occur in homes that aren’t able to stay cool during extreme heat events. Plan ahead by identifying places in your community you can visit to get cool, such as libraries, shopping malls, or community cooling centres. If there is an extreme heat event, the District has a cooling centre plan in place. If you would like more information on this, please contact the District of Logan Lake. Updated information will also be posted to our website and Facbook as it becomes available.

A few basic modifications to your home can make a big difference during periods of extreme heat:|

  • Install a window air conditioner in at least one room;
  • Install thermal curtains or window coverings;
  • Keep a digital thermometer available to accurately measure indoor temperatures (31o or higher is dangerous for vulnerable people);
  • Have fans available to help move cooler air indoors during the late evening and early morning hours;
  • Install a heat pump.

HealthLink BC has these tips for keeping cool and healthy:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Drink extra water even before you feel thirsty and if you are active on a hot day. Ask your health-care provider about how much water you should drink on hot days if you are on water pills or limiting your fluid intake.
  • Keep cool. Stay indoors in air-conditioned buildings or take a cool bath or shower. At temperatures above 30 C, fans alone may not be able to prevent heat-related illness. Sunscreen will protect against the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, but not from the heat.
  • Plan activity before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m., when the sun’s UV radiation is the weakest.
  • Avoid tiring work or exercise in hot, humid environments. If you must work or exercise, drink two to four glasses of non-alcoholic fluids each hour. Rest breaks are important and should be taken in the shade.
  • Avoid sunburn: Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher on exposed skin and an SPF 30 lip balm, and reapply often.
  • Wear lightweight, light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing and a wide brimmed hat, or use  an umbrella for shade.
  • Never leave children alone in a parked car. Temperatures can rise to 52 C within 20 minutes inside a vehicle when the outside temperature is 34 C. Leaving the car windows slightly open will not keep the inside of the vehicle at a safe temperature.
  • Regularly check older adults, children and others for signs of heat-related illness, and make sure they are keeping cool and drinking plenty of fluids. Check on those who are unable to leave their homes and people with emotional or mental-health challenges whose judgment may be impaired.
  • Heat also affects pets. Never leave a pet in a parked car. Limit pets’ exercise, and be sure to provide them with  plenty of water and shade.

Most importantly stay safe! If you are worried about keeping cool, or worried about a loved one, contact us to help find you the resources that you need.

Learn More:

Extreme Heat & Drought:

Environment Canada Public Weather Alerts for B.C.:

HealthLink BC online resources about beating the heat:
And heat-related illness:
And heat stroke symptoms:


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